With chief wise owl Chris M not being able to make tonight's run fellow chief Andy G once again gathered a large flock for another flight to Buckden Castle.
There seems to be a common growing here were in my absence there is a large turn out whilst when I am taking flight numbers seem to dwindle.It's ok I get the message ... :)
This will be the last weekly scheduled outing during December due to the Charity Santa run and other club commitments. See you all in 2013 for plenty more nocturnal adventure.
Andy's short report is below.
Tuesdays Owl Run took in Mossley Christmas lights from Bucton Castle, before ascending into the freezing fog to reach Alphin Summit from the Carrbrook side.
Full points awarded to Claire, Mark, Ian, the Torrs, and Andy. A deliciously crisp, cold, still and icy night.
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Owl Points to-date - 04.12.12
The points table is shifting somewhat as Mark
Brakspear and Bruce Bridgestock move into joint 3rd place after the pantomime
duo made a quick visit to the summit of Alphin prior to the SRC 32nd Annual General Meeting.
The points to-date are as follows:
Chris M - 32, Andy G - 28, , Bruce B - 12, Mark
Breakspear - 12, David H - 10, Lee B - 6, Ian Marshall - 4, James S - 4, John
Heathcoate - 2, Sean W - 2
There are still opportunities to increase points and
be in contention to win the coveted owls Trophy by the end of the winter
Pantomime Owls seen on Alphin - 04.12.12
Only two committed Owls could make a pre AGM flight tonight. The pantomine horse duo, Mark Brakspear and Bruce Bridgestock, flew upon Alphin, in cool and (near the top) misty conditions. Below is a short report from the big bellied owl himself.
leaders Chris Martin and Andrew Gartside were both flying elsewhere so we were
designated run leaders, but strangely no one else joined us......We were
greatly aided by our new 'boys toys' the fantastic Petzl Nao headlamps from
Mountain Feet. The powerful lights attracted an alien spaceship to Earth and
the Warp Factor from the engines partially melted our faces. Despite this we
managed a safe descent as our faces recovered, back down in time to see Chris
donning the presidential robes as the crown was passed from Jill D to
Full points are awarded to Mark and Bruce.
Chew Reservoir - 20.11.12
This weeks nocturnal foray to the high moors was
shorter and more sedate than usual due to Big Belly Bruce having to get back
and pack for an early morning flight to Eastern Europe. We could have engaged
in a longer evening of night stalking but Bruce, always striving to gain full
points, didn't want to miss out on essential 'nest points' in the bar
After a short drive in the battle bus, Tuesday's
outing began at Dovestone Sailing Club, from where we swooped through the lower
plantation and gained the old tram-way to Chew Reservoir which, when completed
in 1912, was the highest reservoir in England. Under a clear sky we restocked
our sugar levels and posed for the traditional owl photo before making a rapid
decent back into Dovestone's Valley before returning to the nest for drinking
and merry-making.
It was good to have yet another two new owlets join
us in the form of Ian Marshal and John Heathcote. John gained 2 points on his
first flight with us whilst Ian, never missing an opportunity for a pint or
two, secured the full 4 points. Complete with a new and smaller head torch
Bruce B made his first return since we ventured onto Black Hill in thick fog.
In addition, Mark B also returned after complaining that he had been kidnapped
and forced to run on the hills a few weeks previous.
There will be no Owls Run next Tuesday as Charlie
will be hosting the annual Pule Hill Petrifier
This weeks points are: John Heathcote - 2, Ian
Marshall - 4, Big Belly Bruce - 4, Mark Breakspear - 4 & Chris M - 4.
There are no points this week for fellow wise owl Andy G who was lay at his
burrow, in his warm bed, suffering from that most debilitating of illnesses
...... man flu!!!!
Buckden Castle revisited - 06.11.12
A new Owl flew in from warmer climates on Tuesday to
gain full points on his first outing. Mark Brakspear joined Andy and myself for this
weeks Owl Run. In typical Brakspear fashion Mark arrived without his
head-torch or fell shoes. However, in true Boy Scout tradition Andy presented
him with a spare head torch and we set off on the first leg of our journey, in
the van, to reunite mark with his fell shoes at his house.
From Breakspear manor we set out (on foot now) to
the summit shelter on Alphin which was cloaked in a swirling mist. A short stop
in the shelter gave us time for the weekly photo and then we set off over the
back of the hill to Buckden Castle. From the ancient fortification we descended
to the Pennine Bridleway along which we returned to Marks for a right good
scran, which he told us was been kept warm in the oven ... well we would have
done if he'd have offered to share it with us :(
Full Owl points all round tonight and great to have
Mark out with us on the hill.
Barefoot running over Black Hill - 23.10.12

With head torches bouncing back off the mist we
ascended the paved Pennine Way to the summit Trig Point on Black Hill. After it
took Bruce B about 15 minutes to sort out the lighting effect with his
head-torch, which was the size of a WWII anti-aircraft search light, we took
the usual group photo.
After back tracking along the PW a short way, and
still in thick mist, we dropped down Issue Clough where the sole fell off Andy
G's new 'Moremile' fell shoes. In his usual ingenious manner he made some quick
running repairs (pardon the pun), with his laces, and we set off once again. With
Andy assessing the merits of barefoot running (literally) in the now newly
named 'no-miles' fell shoes we hit the track known as Issues Road, dead on the
mark. After all we are Owl's and can see in the dark (and thick mist)!!
Now running the reverse of New Snoops Loop we
traversed Stopes Moor and Good Bent before crossing Black Pool Bridge where we
picked up the Kirklees Way. This final section back to the Isle of Sky was very
muddy underfoot. Unfortunately for Andy, who by now wasn't to impressed with
this idea of running barefoot, much of the mud was in fact putrified cow dung!!
Returning to the van at about 10pm we were all more
than happy with tonight's fantastic outing even if the views had been
restricted to about 4 feet. Talking of feet, on the slow fog bound trip back to
the cricket club we had to endure the delightful aroma of all what was squidged
between Andy's toes!!!
Tonights Points: Chris M - 4, Andy G - 4, Bruce B -
4, James S - 4, Dave H - 2, Lee B - 2.
Castleshaw Skyline - 16.10.12
Tonight the Owls were seen soaring over the
castleshaw skyline. Setting off from the old mill lodge Andy G, David H and
myself followed the valley bottom to the dam wall of the lower reservoir. From
here we ascended the northern flanks of the valley to attain the Edith Boon Way, which is a local section of the Pennine Bridleway. Under a clear sky we picked
up the Oldham Way and continued along Millstone Edge to the trig point where we
took the obligatory group photo. After a short stop, to admire the stars above, we continued along the Pennine Way before turning west for the lane along
Harrop Edge and then descended the fields back to our start point.
Returning to the vehicles at around 21.30, and in
need of refreshments, we headed for the Cross Keys where we were met by Tong G,
Jim B and Sue H.
Full owl points were awarded to everyone tonight for
taking part in the run and returning to the nest for drinking and socialising.
Tonight's Owl Points: Andy G - 4 points, David H - 4
points, Chris M - 4 points
The parliament recruits new members
Last night's Owl Run was the reverse of the route
which traditionally marks the beginning of the winter Owl running season. With
Lee Bowden stretching his wings for the first time this season and new owlet
Sean Willis joining our 'parliament' for his first outing, we left the cricket
club and headed off along Intake Lane towards Dovestones, via the plantation.
Having not eaten since lunchtime I was flagging a little and holding the group
back. Unusually for me I had no food supplies with me and therefor expected it
to be an energy sapping run for the remainder of the outing. However, Andy G
came to the rescue with a squashed Mars Bar that looked as if it had been
hiding in the depths of his bum bag, undiscovered, for at least 3 years.
The climb up Rams Clough gave me time to consume
this historic piece of confectionery and revitalize failing legs. Busy in
conversation Lee and I strayed from the path slightly which resulted in a short
scramble to rejoin Andy and Sean, who were already perched at the top of the
ascent. After a quick photo, and under a blanket of stars, we found a good line
along the edge to Alphin Pike. A short while later we had made the descent to
enjoy a rewarding beer back at the nest.
Owl Points - 09.10.12. Chris M - 4, Andy G - 4, Lee B
- 4, Sean W - 2
Soaring over Buckton Castle
A new fledgling Owlet joined Andy and myself for a
run along Moor Edge Road (Pennine Bridleway) towards Carrbrook before ascending
to the ancient site of Buckton Castle, where an obligatory group photo was
taken (does anyone recognise the new Owl's member?).
From the castle we crossed the moor, under a dark
cloudy sky, and climbed up the back of Alphin Pike, along a path which was
runnable the whole way. After a short stop in the stone shelter, on the summit, we descended the now heavily eroded path, as a bright moon peeked from behind
the clouds. After a fantastic outing it was time to enjoy a much awaited pint.
Full run and nest points awarded to the whole group
Points Table 02.10.12
Chris M: 4 points
Andy G: 4 points
David H: 4 points
Rare species spotted on hills above Uppermill & Greenfield
Rare species spotted on hills above Uppermill &
Submitted by Chris M on Wed, 26/09/2012 - 09:46.
Tonight (Tuesday 25.09.12) the Owls had a great run on the hills above
Saddleworth night. The temperatures were mild as we ran along the
bridleway from the cricket club past the swimming baths but became more
exciting and wild on the tops as we took in Broadstone's and Pots & Pans. The water fall into the top quarry at Running Hill
Pits was in full flow and a dramatic sight bathed in torch light.
Who will be joining us next week? Lets have no more
excuses of; "I've forgot my head torch", "Not brought any fell
shoes" or "not got my cag" .....
Points Table
25.09.12 - Broadstones/Pots & Pans
Chris M - 2 run points + 2 nest points
Andy G - 2 run points + 2 nest points
Alphin and the edges - 18.09.12
Tonight the 'Owls' group which consisted of myself and Andy
G took in a run up Alphin and along the edges to Indian's Head before dropping
down into the Valley and returning via the plantation. It was a perfect night
for running on the hills with a moody sky above and impressive glowing views
over Oldham and Manchester.
For those of you who want to continue running on the
hills through the winter season you are welcome to join the Owls group for some
night time stalking. Points are awarded for every outing attended with
additional points up for grabs if you return to the nest (bar) afterwards. At
the end of the winter season the coveted Owls Trophy will be awarded to the
person with the most 'Owl Points'.
Chris M & Andy G (wise owls)
Points Table
18.09.12 - Alphin & the edges
Chris M - 2 run points + 2 nest points
Andy G - 2 run points + 2 nest points
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