Thursday, 24 October 2013

Castleshaw Skyline - 23.10.2013

Nine Owls took flight tonight on what was a very pleasant and warm evening. Setting out from the Castleshaw Outdoor Education Centre we made our way along a narrow, sunken track which, after the recent d...eluge of rain, was more like a stream than a footpath. This ancient highway is aptly called, Waters Lane.

Upon reaching Huddersfield Road, we turned left and passed the Saddleworth Hotel on route to Bleak Hey Nook, where we had to stop and remove some layers as we began to feel the effects of such a warm, still night. Following the Standedge Trail we climbed onto Millstone Edge, via Rock Farm B & B. As we attained the trig point a wonderful vista unfolded, and to the East a large orange moon hung high in the clear sky above the twinkling lights of Huddersfield.

Moving on, we skipped from rock to rock as we traversed the gritstone edge. Our head-torches penetrating the darkness and illuminating the way, as a welcome breeze drifted up from the Castleshaw Valley, below.

Following the Oldham Way we crossed Castleshaw Moor, Hind Hill and then the upper slopes of Dowry Castle Hill. With our feet now truly wet and with legs caked in ivory black peat we found firmer ground as we headed along Moor Lane to the four lane ends junction, beyond Broadhead Noddle. Turning south-east we made for lower ground along Low Gate Lane and once again soon felt the effects of the balmy night as we left the cooling breeze upon the higher slopes of the valley rim.

Crossing the dam wall, between the upper and lower reservoirs, the Harvest Moon sat proudly just above the dark skyline of Millstone Edge, casting its bright lunar rays across the still waters of the upper reservoir. Content with the evenings run we skirted below the ancient Roman Fort, along Dirty Lane, to return to our cars for the short drive back to the nest, for a couple of pints with the rest of the club.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Sykes Pillar and Pot's & Pan's

Setting out from the Cross Keys, a smaller group than usual headed up past Running Hill Pits to the old ruin at... the end of the Cotton Famine Road, where a strong wind was blowing. As we turned south a shooting star shot across a black clear sky, disappearing above the summit of Pule Hill.

Reaching Sykes Pillar we paused for a while to marvel at the thin wisps of cloud that cruised past a bright and almost full moon. Continuing south our little parliament headed past Shaw Rocks before descending the obvious track to the Pot's & Pan's War Memorial, where we paused once again to admire the beautiful patterns of street lighting in the villages below.

With only a short distance remaining we headed down to Pobgreen on return to the Cross Keys.

The conditions for tonight's Owl Run had been perfect and it was a joy to be out in the hills on such a clear moonlit night.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Chew Valley Edges - 01.10.13

We band of few set out tonight from Dove Stone Sailing Club on what was a mild but very windy evening. Initially making our way thorough the Piece Plantation we then headed along the old tramway before ascending the reservoir access road. Climbing up to Chew Reservoir the wind howled down the valley making forward progress a chore. With the wind channelled between the towering cathedral-like walls of the gorge it was like running through a wind tunnel.

Upon reaching the reservoir we broke tracks and headed across the moor above Robs Rocks and round to Fox Stone Cairn. Even though the clouds overhead were dark and moody, the sky was clear enough to allow us to see the whole valley rim clearly, which stood jet black against the night sky.

After grabbing a quick photo we set off once again heading along the lip of Dean Rocks and round onto the upper reaches of Ashway Gap. Just before Ashway Cross we took the steep and well trodden path down to the shores Of Dove Stone Resevoir, along which we returned to the sailing club.

Thanks Andy for posting tonight's Owl Run photo's.